Published On: Apr 12, 2021Tags:

Top Tips to improve your Business Security

10-100 | IT Support, Services & IT Consultancy in Milton Keynes
10-100 | IT Support, Services & IT Consultancy in Milton Keynes

According to the Office of National Statistics, in April 2020, 46.6% of the UK’s workforce worked at home, compared to approximately 5% in 2019. This unprecedented increase is of course, owed primarily to the pandemic, but with life slowly returning to normal, the flexible approach to remote work looks set to stay. As such, ensuring that you have a robust business security strategy for your remote workforce is critical in maintaining digital security.

It’s likely that your business framework has some existing cyber security measures in place, however with the continuous innovation of technology underpinned by the increasingly sophisticated methods of cyber attacks, keeping your strategy up-to-date and relevant is no mean feat. That’s why we’ve asked our tech experts to share their top tips to ensure a robust cyber-security framework, with the goal of assisting stakeholders and business leaders in protecting their workforce and securing their business…

1) Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication – the belts and braces for your remote workforce! This tool essentially refers to a method of device security whereby the user is required to provide more than one form of verification before being granted access. Utilising this tool creates a multi-layered approach to security, in turn mitigating the risk of data breaches and protecting whichever device your users choose to work from. At 10-100, we can help integrate a range of MFA solutions into your business security framework, ranging from Cisco’s Duo and Microsoft Azure MFA to Watchguard Authpoint – depending on your individual requirements.

2) Employee Education

Despite 80% of data breaches occurring from human error, less than a third of businesses report that their staff have undergone any cyber-security training… With social engineering tactics fast becoming the method of choice by cyber-criminals, training the modern workforce to spot common security threats is now a critical part of maintaining business security. Educating your employees on malware, account hygiene and social engineering tactics are basic best practises to start off with and our team at 10-100 can provide comprehensive phishing simulations in order to discover which employees fall for the trap and require further training.

3) Backup… And then backup again

Performing regular backups are often overlooked in cyber-security strategies – but if the worst should happen and you find yourself victim of a cyber attack, where would your business be without its data? For comprehensive protection, our cloud-experts would always recommend that you backup in a secure cloud location in addition to your on-site backup – reducing the risk of data loss should your on-site data be compromised! Our go-to backup solution is Veeam Backup and Replication, and as a leading Veeam ProPartner, our experts are best placed to provide Veeam consultancy and implementation, ensuring the security of your data.

4) Network security

Particularly prevalent when managing a remote workforce on various devices, your business network can be compromised by a range of threats, viruses and hacking attempts if you’re not careful – but there are ways to effectively manage the security of your network. Installing an up-to-date Anti-Virus solution such as BitDefender GravityZone, and using a Firewall are both great ways to help block malicious activity and cyber attacks from compromising your devices and data.

5) Cyber Essentials

Lastly, a great way to ensure that your business has a robust digital security strategy is to get certified! Gaining the Cyber Essentials accreditation will demonstrate to both employees and clientele that you have taken the extra security measures to ensure that your business stays at the forefront of the threat landscape. At 10-100, our Milton Keynes based practitioners have successfully led a variety of clients in a range of industries through their Cyber Essentials accreditation.

Through following these digital security best practises, your business will now be empowered to navigate the remote landscape of today’s ‘new normal’. With cyber attacks today at an all-time high, protecting your network and your employees – remote or otherwise – is an essential aspect for risk remediation and business continuity.

As a leading cyber security and infrastructure security agency, our Milton Keynes based specialists are best placed to assist should you have any questions regarding the above security tips or solutions. To discover our full range of cyber services, get in touch with one of the team here.